548 Foundation

Workforce training & energy upgrades

The mission of the 548 Foundation is to develop affordable housing, as well as provide energy efficient upgrades for affordable housing; and to support the educational goals of communities by providing technology needed in order to compete in an ever-evolving society.

548 Energy Institute will serve as the new facility & hub for renewable energy training, incubation, and advocacy.

The next decade will see a 52% growth for solar photovoltaic installers ($46,470 median salary) and a 68% growth for wind turbine service technicians ($56,230 median salary)

— Bureau of Labor Statistics

Energy Institute Components

  • Business Incubator

    Our clean energy business incubator will create the next generation of clean energy businesses through:

    1. Start up Support
    2. Accounting, Legal, Business Development
    3. WBE/MBE Certification Support
    4. Career Fairs & Networking

  • Energy Advocacy

    In partnership with Illinois Green Alliance we will create a building owner & contractor education program.

    1. Benefits to building owners and residents
    2. Clean Job Creation
    3. Community benefits and education
    4. Environmental Justice

  • Clean Energy Training

    In partnership with Power 52 we will roll out a new solar workforce training program to support a more inclusive labor force for the green economy.

    1. Solar Installer
    2. Solar Operations and Maintenance
    3. Solar Design
    4. EV Installer
    5. EV Operations and Maintenance

Industry-recognized certifications

Thank you to Lowe’s for a generous $500,000 donation to the 548 Foundation to support the development of sustainable affordable housing!

Support our Cause

Help us bring the 548 Energy Institute to life - reach out to AJ Patton or click below for more information on how your organization can partner with 548 Foundation.